The play symbolically examines the infiltration of patriarchal ideologies into a once-matriarchal society, exposing how indigenous beauty and traditions have been erased and distorted over time. At its core, the story poses thought-provoking questions—what if a myth passed down through generations in a humble lower-class family became reality? What if a cherished dream, seen with open eyes, turned into a harrowing nightmare? The play’s characters navigate the unsettling space between these uncertainties.
Umlindo Kharāni Ra Lemlemmā is a theatrical exploration of indigenous identity, gender dynamics, and cultural transformation. It delves into how ancient traditions have been reshaped by time, questioning the forces that rewrite history and redefine societal norms. Through symbolic storytelling, the play challenges audiences to reflect on the gradual yet profound shifts in belief systems. The characters exist on the periphery of mythology and reality, embodying the tension between dreams and nightmares, history and distortion.
About the Director :
Pashupati Rai is a distinguished Nepali actress known for her roles in films such as Kabaddi (2014), Halkara (2022), and A Road to a Village (2023). Her talent and versatility have significantly contributed to the success of various films, establishing her as a notable figure in Nepali cinema. She began her theatre journey in 2004 at Gurukul and has directed plays like Hechhakupa, Dhochlecha, Clever Queen, and Aladdin. With over 40 plays to her credit, her notable performances include Baghabhairav, Master Builder, Oedipus, and Antigone. After nearly a decade, she returns to directing with Umlindo Kharāni Ra Lemlemmā.
Director's Note:
I’ve always belonged to the theatre, and now, as I return to directing, I am committed to remaining involved in one way or another. As if by serendipity, my directorial vision emerged after thoroughly going through the script. My heartfelt thanks to Milson Rai for writing such a beautiful play, and to Mandala Theatre Nepal for giving me this opportunity.
About the Group:
Mandala Theatre Nepal is a group of young, enthusiastic and dedicated artists and theatre workers. The group was formed by young theatre enthusiasts after long practice and individual involvement in the field of theatrical performance. Mandala has produced around a 5-dozen theatre plays until now and staged in different parts of Nepal and abroad. It has produced a number of proscenium plays, forum plays, street plays, community-based workshops and events like workshops, mobile theatre tours, international theatre festivals etc. The theatre company is equally working on various socio-political issues such as conflict transformation, enforced disappearance, social justice, peace, and democracy.
Cast and Crew
On Stage:
Off Stage:
Contact Details :
Mandala Theatre-Nepal
Lakhechaur Marga, Thapagaun,
Kathmandu 10, New Baneshwor
The play symbolically examines the infiltration of patriarchal ideologies into a once-matriarchal society, exposing how indigenous beauty and traditions have been erased and distorted over time. At its core, the story poses thought-provoking questions—what if a myth passed down through generations in a humble lower-class family became reality? What if a cherished dream, seen with open eyes, turned into a harrowing nightmare? The play’s characters navigate the unsettling space between these uncertainties.
Umlindo Kharāni Ra Lemlemmā is a theatrical exploration of indigenous identity, gender dynamics, and cultural transformation. It delves into how ancient traditions have been reshaped by time, questioning the forces that rewrite history and redefine societal norms. Through symbolic storytelling, the play challenges audiences to reflect on the gradual yet profound shifts in belief systems. The characters exist on the periphery of mythology and reality, embodying the tension between dreams and nightmares, history and distortion.
About the Director :
Pashupati Rai is a distinguished Nepali actress known for her roles in films such as Kabaddi (2014), Halkara (2022), and A Road to a Village (2023). Her talent and versatility have significantly contributed to the success of various films, establishing her as a notable figure in Nepali cinema. She began her theatre journey in 2004 at Gurukul and has directed plays like Hechhakupa, Dhochlecha, Clever Queen, and Aladdin. With over 40 plays to her credit, her notable performances include Baghabhairav, Master Builder, Oedipus, and Antigone. After nearly a decade, she returns to directing with Umlindo Kharāni Ra Lemlemmā.
Director's Note:
I’ve always belonged to the theatre, and now, as I return to directing, I am committed to remaining involved in one way or another. As if by serendipity, my directorial vision emerged after thoroughly going through the script. My heartfelt thanks to Milson Rai for writing such a beautiful play, and to Mandala Theatre Nepal for giving me this opportunity.
About the Group:
Mandala Theatre Nepal is a group of young, enthusiastic and dedicated artists and theatre workers. The group was formed by young theatre enthusiasts after long practice and individual involvement in the field of theatrical performance. Mandala has produced around a 5-dozen theatre plays until now and staged in different parts of Nepal and abroad. It has produced a number of proscenium plays, forum plays, street plays, community-based workshops and events like workshops, mobile theatre tours, international theatre festivals etc. The theatre company is equally working on various socio-political issues such as conflict transformation, enforced disappearance, social justice, peace, and democracy.
Cast and Crew
On Stage:
Off Stage:
Contact Details :
Mandala Theatre-Nepal
Lakhechaur Marga, Thapagaun,
Kathmandu 10, New Baneshwor