A tree tells the story reminding us that human beings and plants live in one interconnected ecosystem. To be part of this play, audiences can visit NITFest, collect seeds or plant and get audio file. They can also register for this event event which is interaction with the director via zoom.
They then have to find a tree near them, sit under it (or nearby), press play, and listen to the tree’s confessions. They can do this in their time but prior to this lecture event.
A tree tells the story reminding us that human beings and plants live in one interconnected ecosystem. To be part of this play, audiences can visit NITFest, collect seeds or plant and get audio file. They can also register for this event event which is interaction with the director via zoom.
They then have to find a tree near them, sit under it (or nearby), press play, and listen to the tree’s confessions. They can do this in their time but prior to this lecture event.